Saturday, May 30, 2009

Welcome to GKS Widgets/ Getting Started

Well this is my first post to my new blog. Let me introduce myself. My name is Grant Skoog and I am a 57 year old single male. I recently was laid off from my machinists position of 3 years. Since I am an eBay fanatic and since I was aware that I needed a way to supplement my unemployment, I decided to open an eBay store. So in early February I did just that. After some time I found that even though my eBay store was doing pretty well I also realized that I would need to wean myself off eBay if I was going to succeed at all. That is when I decided to buy a domain name and enter into the real realm of e-commerce. I soon found out that there was much more to that than meets the eye. Store inventory, SEO optimization, (what's that?), relevant content and so on and so on. It's quite a learning process.

This blog is my effort to relate my experiences to others so that they may learn from my mistakes as well as to promote my new online store . I first had to go out and do product source research. This is probably the most difficult but the most productive as well. I found a few products that I felt may be unique and opened my eBay store. I added my products and published it to the public and sat back to see what happened. It wasn't long and I had my first sale. I learned to use eBay's very good user interface which provides the new user with all the tools to help promote their site. I added new product lines and started utilizing tools like Turbo Lister and the like and soon I was seeing some fruit from my labors. It can be a very rewarding experience but it is also a lot of work. In future posts I will relate more of my experiences with you but since this is a new adventure for me I will conclude for now.

Please check out my store at and see what I have. I appreciate your spending the time to read this, my first attempt at blogging, and I hope you will come back often.

Grant Skoog

Owner GKS Widgets

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